Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sunday morning, still missing Mary Jane.  I was awake at 5:00 am for the call to prayers being bellowed through the streets.  The time change is killing me.  Also where is Tim Hortons when you need a good cup of coffee?  Leaving shortly for an hour and half drive to meet the family and start building. Can hardly wait!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

hey Michelle! i'll actually be in Jordan next week. flying out tomorrow (friday 7.Nov) via Israel and then at some resort on the Dead Sea Sunday night, then on to Petra, etc. only 1 week though. but who knows maybe we can meet up?!! hopefully you get this before i leave.

Keeks said...

Hi Michelle my belle
Hope you are having a wonderful time. Your photos are beautiful!
Its cold here! Enjoy it!
Victoria Bratzi ;)